Free UK Delivery on all Iron on Transfers over 15 pounds
Iron on Letters
Discounts for TeeTransfers Multi-Buy & Charity Discounts TeeTransfers Reviews

Multi-Buy Discounts

Save money by taking advantage of our multi-buy item discounts, where the more you buy the greater the discount we can offer to you.

Our price ranges are for the exact same product, so you would need to order the exact same iron on transfer (same colour, size, design) for the discounts to take effect.

Quantity Multi-Buy Discount Structure
1 to 5 of the same product Save nothing :(
6 to 11 of the same product Save 10% of the product price
12 to 23 Save 15% of the product price
24+ Save a whopping 20% on the product price

 * Please note: Multi-Buy Discounts are not available when using a standard discount code.

Example of our multi-buy discount


Product Price Quantity Total Cost Multi-Buy Total Savings
Iron on Letter A
(5cm High Font)
(Colour Black)
(Font Style Standard Arial)
35p 50 £17.50 £14.00 £3.50
Iron on Letter A
(5cm High Font)
(Colour Black)
(Font Style Standard Arial)
35p 100 £35.00 £28.00 £7.00


Do I need to do anything?

Not at all, our multi-buy system is fully automatic for all iron on transfers on our site.  Once you start adding products to the basket, our cart will apply any discounts for you.

Charity Discounts

We are incredibly proud to offer a discount to any registered charity placing an order for iron on letters / numbers.  Please contact us for more information ensuring you provide your charity registration ID.
